Prosperity Consciousness

Tools and techniques for enhancing your prosperity consciousness

Thursday, May 26, 2005

The Attractor Factor by Joe Vitale

For a long time I've been collecting books on the mental and emotional aspects of prosperity and abundance. And as I did so, I wondered if there were ways that I could share the names of these books with people, so they could know about them without doing the research and searching I did. Now, I love researching, I love finding new books, and DVDs and ebooks and, now, web sites, that teach and demonstrate the power of mind.

The principle behind these books is the same. Your mind controls your world, and you can learn to change your mind. It's pretty simple. And yet, each book approaches this in a different way. Each book has different techniques. The more techniques, the more probable it is that one will be the perfect technique for you to manifest your prosperity and abundance.
But first, you have to find out about them. You could do what I did, search bookstores and libraries, and the Internet, or, you could read this weblog. I hope when you do you'll find books to expand your mind and your prosperity! For the first book for this blog I've picked The Attractor Factor by Joe Vitale.

Why pick The Attractor Factor as the first book to tell you about? Well, there were a lot of reasons.

For one thing, it's pretty new. So the language is modern. The English language is written and spoken somewhat differently than it was in the late 1800's and early 1900's when a lot of the books were written. You can get used to it, of course, but it's somewhat off-putting when you start reading it. Here's an example from another book, Charles F. Haanel's The Master Key System (a real classic from 1917, recently re-edited and re-printed):

Thought will create nothing unless it is consciously, systematically, and constructively directed; and herein is the difference between idle thinking, which is simply a dissipation of effort and constructive thinking, which means practically unlimited achievement.

Compare this to a quote from The Attractor Factor:

As you'll see throughout this book, the clearer you are about what you want, the easier it is to simply attract it into your life.

But Joe Vitale has done his homework. So even though this is a new book, it contains the wisdom that has gone before. Check the bibliography of The Attractor Factor.

Here are some other reasons why I picked this book, and why you should get a copy, now:

  • It explains the power of your intentions

  • It gives you five steps for bringing prosperity into your life, in whatever form you want… and these steps are easy to follow.

  • It shows what you need to supercharge your goals to help them manifest faster.

  • It gives you a way to recognize your beliefs, and a couple of ways to change them, if they aren't helping you get your outcome.

  • It does all this, while being easy to read, providing stories of successes, and with the tone of Joe talking right to you.

I've read the book twice, so far. The first time I just read it through, enjoying the stories, and recognizing the principles and techniques as he talked about them. Well, actually he wrote about them, but it reads like he's talking directly to you.

The second time I noticed how well he wove the techniques into his success stories. And I realized I better tell you that you'll need to read it twice, at least, if you want to be consciously aware of the techniques. Because they are subtle, and the stories are interesting… it's tempting to just read through and not do the "practices."

Now, I don't work for Joe Vitale, and he isn't paying me to write this. I don't even know Joe, yet, although I've been on his mailing list for a couple of years now. I just think his book is valuable. If you're new to these concepts, he makes them easy to understand. If you're totally successful, prosperous, then you probably know these concepts, at least subconsciously, but it's a great review. And if you used to understand these concepts, and you've stopped practicing them, then you really need this book…Joe will inspire you and get you started again!

In a future post, I'll introduce you to another book... one that you can get free, on the Internet