Prosperity Consciousness

Tools and techniques for enhancing your prosperity consciousness

Monday, July 11, 2005

The Wealthy Spirit by Chellie Campbell

I've been thinking a lot about something Bill Harris of Centerpointe says. He says that when you focus on what you don't want, you tend to feel bad, and you tend to bring what you focus on into your life.

So we spend fifteen minutes a day in prayer or concentration or treatment to manifest what we want, and the rest of the waking day focusing on what we don't want. And when the something we want is more prosperity, more money, more abundance in our lives, but that's not what appearances tell us is happening, it's really difficult sometimes to focus on bringing more abundance instead of worrying about what we don't have.

So here is a true story about a friend of mine who solved his money problems and is on his way to becoming wealthy.

Jerry (not his real name, of course!) had been having financial problems for some time. He had a fairly good managerial job, but the money was not great, and it seemed that it just dripped away. At the time he decided to become truly prosperous, he'd also had a string of bad luck, where unexpected expenses had really set him back, and he'd had trouble paying bills, so his credit was bad and getting worse.

At this point he decided he was going to be prosperous. Because he knew that what you focus on tends to manifest in your life, he decided to focus on being wealthy, instead of worrying about being poor. Every time he paid something on a bill, he felt the deep gratitude for being able to pay something, even if it wasn't the entire bill. Because he liked buying things (don't we all?), he treated himself to visits to the "dollar store," where he bought a few things, while thinking, "I'm rich, and I can freely spend money." He started giving a percentage of his income to the church he attended, with a goal of eventually giving 10 percent as a tithe. He worked out a plan for paying his bills to reestablish his credit.

But the thing he credits with making the most difference in his financial situation was setting up a daily practice of reading about prosperity and doing affirmations. The book he used was The Wealthy Spirit. This book has a page for each day, for the whole year. They aren't dated, so you can start at any time. Each page has a quote about prosperity, a lesson on prosperity, and an affirmation. And the affirmations are wonderful!

My friend's favorite affirmation was "People love to give me money"!

Every morning he read the quotation, the lesson, and the affirmation. Then, whenever he thought about it during the day, he repeated the affirmation for that day. (He also repeated the "People love to give me money!" affirmation, because he liked it so much.)

After a few weeks, he started having trouble in his job. This is where many people give up. When things start to change, they can sometimes seem to get worse. But he stuck to it, the reading and the affirmations, and in a very short time he'd quit his job, started his own company, and gotten hired as a consultant for hugely more than he had been making before.

Within a couple of months, he'd paid off all his bills, sold his old town house, and bought a new, beautiful home in a great neighborhood much closer to his new consulting work!!

That was a few years ago. He continued doing the reading and the affirmations for an entire year, and his finances just keep getting better. He has excellent credit now, and no money problems. In short, he's developed a prosperity consciousness.

If you want to change your life around, you need to focus on the things you want, and not the things you don't want! Like my friend Jerry, you can use The Wealthy Spirit – the quotations are awesome, the lessons are great… and the affirmations are clever, fun, and powerful – use it to help you focus on the things you want, not the things you don't want!!!